Otara Waterways and Lake Trust
Te mauri o te rangi
Te mauri o te whenua
Te mauri ora o Tara
"When the lake,waterways and wildlife flourish, the people flourish"
The Ōtara Waterways and Lake Trust has a long term vision to restore the mauri of the Ōtara waterways and reconnect people to their local creeks and streams. This vision has three themes: Mauri, Connection and Pride - all three themes are interconnected.

The people of Otara and Howick will be regularly celebrating the waterways and lake, rewarded by their active Kaitiakitanga of this place.

The Otara waterways and lake will be restoredand central to our sense of place and will be actively used to connect different parts of our community.

The Otara waterways and lake will be restored and safely used for swimmimg, fishing, food, gathering and bloating.Native species will have re-established connection to historial habitats and increased their range within the catchment.